Time To Shine!

Time To Shine!

I once overheard a mother of two girls effectively encourage the sharing of a large swinging bench. While the bench was definitely long enough to accommodate both children if they were seated, the girl who was already on the swinging bench was taking up    a.     Lot of.   Of.    Space. She had her arms stretched overhead and legs fully extended so that her fingertips and feet were dangling off the ends of the bench. The second child paced back and forth several feet away from the bench, and periodically told her sister that she’d like to sit on it too. 

After several inquiries and several “In a minute” responses, the mother jumped in. It was obvious that sharing had been a reoccurring issue, because instead of explaining the importance of sharing, the mother asked if the child remembered their conversation earlier. The child sheepishly responded “yes” but didn’t move an inch. However, when the mother said “Time to shine,” the child immediately scooted off the bench and even offered to help push her sibling on the swing.

It can be amazing what a simple reframe can do. Having the right mindset is crucial both for children and adults. If you are struggling to reach your health and wellness goals, you may need to reevaluate your mindset. Are the things you are telling yourself motivating you to get started, keep going, or hindering your progress? Is it time to give up tasty food and do thing you don’t want to do . . . or Is it time to shine!?

If you need a mindset shift but aren’t sure where to begin, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or another health or fitness professional. 

Thanks for reading. I hope you have a safe and healthy month.  

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