
Have you ever received unsolicited advice? It can make you feel terrible, especially if it’s coming from someone you’re close to.
-You should try online dating. (Tried it and trying it. Thanks for reminding me that I’m exhausting all my options.)
-You know that extra weight would come off if you just ate less. (Wait, what!? I think I tried that back in ’01, ’03, ’07, 09, ’11, ’13, ’14, ’15, ’16, ’17, and ’18, and — oh yeah — ’91 through ’99.)
We have all probably asked for advice, when we simply wanted an affirmation that we made the right decision. When we get bombarded with actual advice in these scenarios, it can be unsettling.
-You should probably give your treadmill away if you’ve only used it as a coat hanger in the past 6 years, because it’s taking up a lot of space. (I wanted to hear that I should keep it — that I’ll find a great playlist and get motivated.)
-It’s a good idea to have more vegetarian options for Thanksgiving, because there are several vegetarians coming. (Going to the store on Thanksgiving morning is a circus, and I don’t have time or energy to cook more.)
Sometimes, however, we are prepared to receive advice and get frustrated when no one steps up and provides it.
-You may ask a healthy friend how you can burn off your extra visceral fat and be told that you look fine.
-You may question a fit family member about how they got strong and be told that you’re strong too.
If you are truly seeking advice that will help you improve your health and are feeling brushed off by others, find a fitness professional. It is our job to give advice and guidance. Many of us are good at discussing uncomfortable subjects in a caring way and providing actionable steps and accountability so that you can make the changes that will give you more good days.
Thanks for reading. I hope you have a safe and healthy week.