Free Food! (?)
Does free food tempt you? I mean really tempt you!? I once worked at a job where ultra-processed snack food was always available, and the best (actually maybe worst) part of it was that it was completely free. Walking into the small staff room, I couldn’t miss the huge bowl of candies, chips, and fruit snacks. Extras were crammed into the few available cupboards, and any time a snack would dwindle, more would be promptly ordered. Seeing these wrapped snacks in the bowl was one thing. Watching my coworkers unwrap and then enjoy them was another. It was extremely tempting.
Sometimes a good strategy to prevent yourself from succumbing to temptation is to either remove the thing that is tempting you or remove yourself from the situation. Neither of these options were available to me. The job was in the caring field and didn’t pay that well, so the free food was a perk that my coworkers embraced. They definitely wouldn’t have been happy if the free food suddenly disappeared or wasn’t as convenient to get to. Furthermore, it was impossible to avoid the break room because that was where we had to clock in and clock out. It was also the only place where we could store personal belongings.
In order to prevent myself from gorging on chips and chocolates, I came up with a strategy. First, I made sure to never arrive at work hungry. When I’m hungry, everything looks much more appealing. Secondly, I set myself up for success by always making myself a satiating lunch. Yes, I could abandon my lunch and eat the snacks instead, but knowing that I had already prepared my lunch made me think twice. Finally, I reminded myself that these foods weren’t really free because I would pay for them later. Instead of paying for them directly with money, my body would pay for them in the form of blood sugar crashes, inflammation, stomach aches, and acne. I would then spend actual money to try and relieve some of these ailments — Pepto-Bismol and ZAPZYT aren’t inexpensive.
If you are struggling to overcome the obstacle of free food – please know that it isn’t easy, but it is possible with the proper preparation and mindset. If you need some support, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or another health professional that can help you create a strategy that works for you.
Thanks for reading. I hope you have a safe and healthy month!