Beach Body Steps
I recently saw a post on social media that listed the steps to obtain a beach body. This protocol involved two steps: have a body and go to the beach. What I love about this post is that it removes all these obstacles that many of us have created to prevent ourselves from getting started.
By waiting to go to the beach until we already possess the toned body we want, we not only miss out on the opportunity to enjoy the beach–but ironically –an opportunity to get toned. Research shows that walking on the sand activates more muscles than walking on a hard surface. Plus, the softer surface of the sand puts less stress on our joints. This allows many of us to walk longer distances then we might otherwise walk on harder surfaces.
We may not be where we want to be, but we shouldn’t let that limit us from getting started. We don’t need to wait until we are already toned to go to the beach, already fit to join a gym, or already flexible before taking a yoga class. If you need some extra guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to a health coach, trainer, or other health professional.
Thanks for reading and see you at the beach 🙂