
It’s easy to overextend yourself during the holidays. I contemplated this as we inched out of a parking garage in the freezing cold after leaving a Christmas parade. We left the parade early to avoid the crowd so I could get home and wrap some gifts. At one point, the slow crawl toward the exit came to a complete stop, and we didn’t move for fifty minutes. Stuck in the line of cars, we could only sit and wait. While I didn’t want this particular pause, maybe I needed it.
I realized I was was trying to do too much. I had initially planned on going to not one, but two Christmas parades that weekend. As I sat there immobile, the thought of going to the second parade seemed preposterous. Doing so would make the rest of my weekend too hectic. I didn’t go to that second parade. Instead, I used that time to wrap some gifts that I didn’t finish the night before. I also worked out and made a nutritious meal.
Even though we may want to do it all, we just can’t. We have to prioritize the things that matter most to us — the things that give us more good days. If you’re having trouble prioritizing, sometimes it’s helpful to get some outside perspective. A close friend, a family member, or a health coach may be able to shed some light on your situation.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a safe and healthy month.