

Several months ago, a yellow jacket flew into my home as I was bringing in some groceries. Not sure what to do, I left the door open for a bit. I really wished that it would make its way out the same way it came in. When the yellow jacket flew towards a window instead, I closed the door and opened the window. Wanting to direct the yellow jacket without aggravating it, I tried to coax it out by waving a magazine in the direction I wanted it to go. While this seemed to help direct the yellow jacket to the window, it remained inside.  It hovered around the glass before landing and pacing around the ledge of the window. Just when I thought it was going to fly outside, it returned to the window. This happened numerous times; each time, it got further and further out onto the ledge. Eventually, the yellow jacket flew outside.

Of course, I have no idea what was going on in the yellow jacket’s brain, but it reminded me of how different people get into the pool. While some prefer to dive right in, others prefer to test the temperature and hover and pace and enter at a slower speed in order to acclimate. If you want to improve your health and fitness and have unsuccessfully tried to leap off the deck, maybe it’s time to take some small steps in the direction you want to go instead. Small steps add up, and they help prepare you for bigger steps in the future. 

If you need some help getting started with those steps, I encourage you to reach out for help. Thanks for reading! I hope you have a safe and healthy month.

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