Excuse me miss, where can I hide?

One of my group exercise certifications required that I observe many classes. The classes were held in a beautiful studio with plenty of natural light and a full length mirror. I watched as new people scanned the studio looking for — sometimes even asking for — a place to hide.
Wanting to be out of the spotlight when you’re trying something new is a natural instinct for many people. I too have have sought out “hiding spots.” I often recall how intimidated I initially felt when I attended my first class in a room that didn’t have any “hiding spots.”
Now, I’m thankful that there weren’t any good “hiding spots” in that class because it taught me that being visible is beneficial.
The easier it is for the instructors to see us, the more they can help us. They can correct our form so we don’t hurt ourselves, provide modifications for challenging moves, and dole out encouragement when we look like we need it. Plus, we can see the instructors better.
If you are avoiding a class because there is nowhere to hide or you are always hurrying to reserve your “hiding spot,” I encourage you to stake your claim to a spot out in the open. If you would like even better results, hire a personal trainer. They can watch you very closely if you like 🙂
Like me, you may realize that you benefit from the extra attention.
Thanks for reading. I hope you have a safe and healthy week.