Self-Imposed Prerequisites

Self-Imposed Prerequisites

I wanted to practice yoga for months before I actually took a class, because I thought being flexible was a prerequisite. Even though the class welcomed beginners and didn’t list any prerequisites, I was still skeptical of my abilities. At the time, my toe touch stretch ended closer to my knees than my toes. Thankfully, I decided to experiment and see if my hypothesis was true. It turns out, You Don’t Need To Be Flexible To Practice Yoga.

I have found that even implied prerequisites, based on the name, aren’t always as limiting as you think. 

– I know a person with fibromyalgia who was welcomed into a Prenatal Yoga class after realizing a Vinyasa Yoga class was too vigorous for her. The Prenatal Yoga class was gentle enough that she found comfort and relief.  
– I know a young college student who enjoyed the vibe of a Fit-Over-Fifty class so much she became a regular.

If you, like me, have ever kept yourself from doing something because of self-imposed prerequisites, I encourage you to question them — Ask the leader of the fitness activity if the class is appropriate for you.

These limiting prerequisites prevent you from living life to the fullest. When you begin to question them, you may just discover yourself doing things that you didn’t think you could do, should do, or deserved to do. Once you understand that each activity is an experiment, doors will be opened to you. Be safe and healthy as you go through these doors and adjust your hypothesis as needed, but go through the doors with joy and confidence.

Thanks for reading. I hope you have a safe and healthy week.

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